Content Creation Redesign

Paradigm shift and visual refresh

June 2023–September 2023

Design methods, research, and project management


I redesigned and tested the instructor’s content creation flow for a complex courseware platform.


The Problem

The proliferation and evolution of “content types” within a higher education courseware product required a new content creation flow.

The Work

  • Initial stakeholder research

  • Ideation and sketching

  • Journey mapping and user flow designs

  • Flow review with product and engineering partners

  • High-fidelity designs and prototypes

  • Hallway testing with content creators and editors

The Solution

High-fidelity concepts and prototypes that are fully accessible visually, cognitively, and for screen readers. Deployed for Fall of 2023.


An educational technology suite of tools provides instructors and media editors with a tool for building assessments. Users can either create content like quizzes, tests, or writing assignments, or upload or create original documents for student consideration, or create a link to an external website.

As the landscape of student assessment evolves, the assessment creation user journey evolves as well. This project reimagined the initial content creation process, produced and tested design artifacts, and handed off high-fidelity prototypes for development.


  • Wireframes

  • High-fidelity screens

  • Figma prototypes


Users and audience

  • College and university instructors and professors

  • Academic media and content creators

Roles and responsibilities

  • Workshop Moderation

  • Stakeholder Management

  • UX Research

  • UX Design

  • UI Design

Pen and paper, Figma, FigJam, Stark Contrast & Accessibility Tools


Stakeholder Interviews

We conducted several guided discussions with the product and engineering teams to learn about the problems being addressed and the teams’ current approach.




User Flows

My team mapped out the user flow for creating new content and assessments.


Solution Ideation

We completed several rounds of idea generation, review, and analysis.


We identified two different approaches based on our ideation process.



Internal Reviews

We reviewed the proposed user flow and our two approaches with our product and engineering stakeholders.


Hallway Testing

We conducted hallway tests with internal media creators with a focus on the UX copy and the user flow.


We revised and refined the designs based on the testing results.

Stakeholder Management

Collaboration and Compromise

We worked with our engineering partners to determine what was feasible at this stage in the product’s development.




We worked closely with designers, researchers, engineers, and product partners to design an effective and progressive creation process.


At the end of this project, we delivered:

  • Documented design process

  • Wireframes

  • High-fidelity prototype

Next steps

As the assessment ecosystem continues to evolve, so will this process. We need to return to some ideas that were left for later iterations.


Lessons & insights

  • Maintain alignment with non-designers through frequent design reviews and updates.

  • A strong user journey allows for modularity and flexibility, if its interaction with other parts of a product are also evolving.